Jessica Simpson to Entertain Troops in Kuwait

Originally posted Wednesday February 27, 2008 05:00 PM EST

Jessica Simpson is going overseas to entertain Americans in uniform, she announces in a Web posting.

"Hey ya'll," begins her personal message on the Jessica Simpson site "I just wanted to say hi, and let you know that I am hard at work on my country record, and I can't wait to share it will all of you."

At the heart of her posting, she says, "I am heading to Kuwait to do a show for the troops, then back in the studio."

She concludes, "I love you all and am so blessed by the support and love you show me everyday!! xoxo jess."

Simpson, 27, whose trip is being sponsored by Operation MySpace, has extended herself before. Last year, PEOPLE reported, she gave generously to an orphanage in Mexico.


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