February 22, 2008
Despite several attempts at drama on the live American Idol results show Thursday, there were no real surprises on the first night of voter-determined eliminations.
Garrett Haley, Amy Davis, Joanne Borgella and Colton Berry were sent home, but not before facing that seemingly tortuous Idol tradition of facing the crowd, the cameras and the judges a final performance.
After all 24 contestants sang a joint ’60s medley, host Ryan Seacrest got right down to business and called Haley (pictured) up for a “chat” and told him straight away, “It’s hard to say goodbye to anyone tonight. And tonight I have to say goodbye to you.”
Seacrest then questioned him on how he felt about judge Simon Cowell’s harsh comments the night before. And Haley, 17, who’d been told he looked like he’d been cooped up in his bedroom for months and needed “fresh air” said, “I’m happy with the way I am. I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Next, Seacrest teased by calling up country cutie Kristy Lee Cook, who was battling bronchitis the night she performed and heard bad feedback from the judges. Turns out she was safe. Instead, Davis, 25, said her goodbyes, telling the world, ” I don’t think I can pick just one thing” to remember fondly.
After a commercial break and the television premiere of Paula Abdul’s new music video for “Dance Like There’s No Tomorrow,” which features Randy Jackson as well as Cowell and Seacrest, it was back to the business of elimination.
Plus-size model Borgella and favored rocker nurse Amanda Overmeyer were called to the stage. No big surprises: Borgella, 25, said goodbye, telling the judges, “I’m going to keep on singing because I love singing.”
Finally, Chikezie and Berry were asked to join Seacrest onstage. And in the night’s biggest cliffhanger (neither one performed very well on Tuesday night), Berry, 18, was sent home.
The remaining 10 men will perform again on Tuesday, Feb. 26. The women will sing again the next night, Wednesday, Feb. 27 on FOX.