Posted on May 9th, 2008 1:30 pm
For someone who spends as much time naked as Lindsay Lohan, you wouldn’t think she’d need to steal clothing from multiple young women.
Yet in the wake of Coat-Gate, another enemy of Firecrotch has come out of the woodwork, accusing the waifish actress of bogarting her stuff.
The same week that a Columbia University student, Masha Markova, insisted Lohan swiped a $11,000 blond mink coat from her in N.Y.C. earlier this year, Lauren Hastings has come out with similar allegations.
The model recently linked to Shia LaBeouf says Lindsay stole thousands of dollars worth of items from her closet, Inside Edition reports.
“Basically, I have two closets, a lot of the stuff was missing out of one and the next closet was almost completely empty,” Hastings said, claiming her clothes vanished during an unauthorized late-night party.
Citing five separate witnesses, Lauren Hastings, 23, alleges that there is evidence, saying that “They all said they saw Lindsay Lohan, basically in my closet, handing a bag full of clothes to her bodyguard.”