Posted on June 2nd, 2008 2:34 pm
The competitive world of celebrity gossip reached its apex when Entertainment Tonight confirmed on its website that Angelina Jolie had given birth to twins.
Another tabloid actually published the names of the two new additions to the Brangelina brood. There was just one problem:
No births had taken place.
Eventually, however, Jolie and Brad Pitt will welcome a pair of babies into their family and, when they do, TMZ is reporting that the bidding for the first pictures of these kids has reached $15 million.
“We’d love to see the photos in People. We wish the family well,” said a rep for People Magazine, while OK! acknowledged it would “foolish” not to make a play for the pics.
Brad and Angelina will give the cash to charity, making us hope the bidding does go higher and higher. We do wonder, however, when the madness will end.
Just how much will Jaymes Foster fetch for her child with Clay Aiken?