Posted at June 13th, 2008 12:20 pm
Jason Wahler and Katja Decker-Sadowski are getting married.
That they’re engaged is nothing new - but it could be a sealed deal within a year, according to the former Laguna Beach star’s bride-to-be!
“We want to do it sooner rather than later,” said Katja, a student at USC.
“My parents want me to finish school first and that won’t be until 2010. So we want to do it probably a little bit before graduation, but I need my parents’ help to plan the wedding!”
Added Jason Wahler (who used to date Lauren Conrad):
“And if her parents don’t agree, it’s a no-go! So we are looking, realistically, at 12 to 15 months from now.
Jason and Katja are pitching a reality show - reportedly called 22 and Taken - and the wedding “will be a part, but it’s not the focus of the show.”
Even if they’ve got another year to go, he and Katja Decker-Sadowski have already gotten into marriage mode by moving in together.
“It’s going well,” Jason Wahler said.
“We have my assistant/best friend there too. It’s kind of awkward, but what the hell!”
Katja Decker-Sadowski’s take?
“It’s like You, Me and Dupree! Sometimes it can be a little too much!”
At least they aren’t living with Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag.
Asked about the pair (he detests them both), Jason Wahler laughed and said to his publicist, “I’m being very careful.”
“I wish them the best of luck. Seriously, they’re just not my type of people, so, I mean, I don’t follow them, I don’t care about them.
“They do their own thing,” he added, “and I do my own thing.”