Posted on June 2nd, 2008 2:13 pm
Former President Bill Clinton is known for presiding over the greatest peacetime economic expansion in U.S. history. And his loose morals.
Seriously, the man spends more time inside women than Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt spend in the pages of celebrity gossip tabloids.
Even as his wife, Hillary Clinton, seeks the White House, the Big Dog has apparently been up to his old tricks in the past few years.
A new report in Vanity Fair unleashes a laundry list of recent Bill Clinton antics - and surprise surprise, his questionable relationships with women (including Gina Gershon) are at the forefront. Here are just a few excerpts:
“Over the last few years, aides have winced at repeated tabloid reports about Clinton’s episodic friendship and occasional dinners out with Belinda Stronach, a twice-divorced billionaire auto-parts heiress and member of the Canadian Parliament 20 years his junior, or at more recent high-end Hollywood dinner-party gossip that Clinton has been seen visiting with the actress Gina Gershon in California.”
Two of Bill Clinton’s possible playthings: Belinda Stronach (left) and Gina Gershon. There’s also a “friend” who he sees in Chappaqua, N.Y., apparently.
“There has been talk of a female friend in Chappaqua, a woman in a bar at a meeting of the Aspen Institute, and a public sighting of Clinton … and a ravishing entourage in a New York elevator that, a former Clinton aide told me, led a business leader who saw them to say: I don’t know what the guy was doing, but it was so clear that it was just no good.”
The article on Bill Clinton’s indiscretions and questionable conduct goes on for eight lengthy pages.