Britney's Pap Pal Surprised by Restraining Order Rumor

SUNDAY JANUARY 20, 2008 08:45 PM EST

Britney Spears's photographer boyfriend, Adnan Ghalib, was surprised to learn of rumors that the pop star has requested a restraining order against him.

"All I can say is that I have not been in contact with Britney since early Friday morning," Ghalib says in a message posted on the Web site of his employer, FinalPixx. "The reason being, that I have has to attend a family funeral in Santa Barbara. My phone has been off during this time out of respect for my family. I am only now becoming aware of what is being said. I hope to be back home in Los Angeles soon and to be in contact with Miss Spears."

The news of a the supposed restraining order came from two paparazzi who were invited into Spears's home at approximately 2 a.m. Sunday, and spent several hours with the singer and her longtime friend Sam Lutfi.

According to one of the photographers, Lutfi said that they'd filed a request for a restraining order against Ghalib because they want him "out of Britney's life."

"Britney asked us to leave the cameras in the car, and
 she poured some champagne for us. She was very sweet," said one of the photographers. "Sam was telling us to not worry about Adnan because they have filed a restraining order against 

The Los Angeles police department says they are "not aware" of any emergency protective orders issued against Ghalib. The L.A. Sheriff's department also says no order was issued


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