Jessica Simpson Devastated By Maniston Love

Posted on May 14th, 2008 2:20 pm

NOTE: Devastated = Wasted.

Stars. They really are just like us. The new Us Weekly says that Jessica Simpson got really drunk when she learned that John Mayer, the lame singer who broke her heart, went public with Jennifer Aniston.

The 27-year-old drowned her sorrows with a four-hour session of drinking at L.A.’s Mexicali Cocina Cantina on May 10, according to the magazine.

On hand were Jess’ former bitch CaCee Cobb - who threw up under the table - and her beau Donald Faison. Jessica had to leave her precious Range Rover in the parking lot and calling mom Tina for a ride home.

STABBED IN THE HEART: Not at all over-dramatic, the new Us Weekly cover brings back memories … of last week’s Us cover featuring Lauren Conrad.

This is the same night where Tony Romo allegedly partied solo in Chicago and was overheard telling friends he was single again.

Across the country, Mayer and Aniston went public with their relationship - holding hands and kissing at the Marley & Me cast party in Miami.


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