Britney Won’t Be Charged For Running Dude Over

Posted on June 17th, 2008 1:53 pm

She’s close to moving out of The Hills and into the Valley.

Now there’s more good news for Hollywood’s most beloved train wreck.

Officials say they will not file charges against Britney Spears stemming from a 2007 incident in which she drove over the foot of a celebrity news guy while speeding out of the doctor’s office where she received collagen injections, natch.

The reasoning?
The only way the dude’s foot could have been where a celeb news video showed it to be was if he himself had put it there.

Deputy district attorney Joseph Shidler told the press:

“We have no evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the suspect, Ms. Britney Spears, was at all aware that the victim’s foot had in fact been struck by the vehicle. There was much commotion and noise at the time and there is no proof that the suspect was aware of what had happened.”

The Deputy D.A. added “The only way the victim’s foot could have been where the video indicates was by the victim placing it in that location.”

With this legal monkey off her back, Britney is free to once again terrorize greater Los Angeles County at will, should she feel a craving for Starbucks.


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